Happy Holidays!
後來跟基督徒朋友到教堂或宗教場所參加活動,如 Easter (復活節),印象極深的是,氣氛很好,人人互動友善而親熱,輕鬆歡愉中,不失虔誠之蘊意。我始終沒有成為基督徒,但是對其「行銷功力」之強,著實印象深刻。
有位基督徒朋友告訴我,台灣只有4%的人信仰基督教。我嚇了一跳... 那街上、店家、夜店處處是慶誕的節慶氣氛,眾多人瘋狂慶祝耶誕,是怎麼一回事?難不成又是炒作成功的商業活動?仔細想想,倒也不奇怪,台灣人特別喜歡「跟風」,現在過節內容和幾十年前大不同,豈止西風東漸?根本西風東「掃」啦。(尤其本地人大啖「感恩節火雞」,很令人啼笑皆非)
今天就是 Christmas Eve,所謂「平安夜」,對教徒是很特別的日子。介紹一首我最喜歡的耶誕歌──有濃濃爵士味的「This Christmas」。願您平安喜樂!
Hang all the mistletoe
I want to get to know you better
This Christmas
And as we trim the tree
How much fun it's going to be, together
This Christmas
The fireside is blazing bright
We're carolling through the night
And this Christmas
Will be a very special Christmas
For me
Letters and cards are here
My world is filled with cheer and you girl
This Christmas
And as I look around
Your eyes outshine the town, they do girl, yeah
This Christmas
The fireside is blazing bright
We're carolling through the night
And this Christmas
Will be a very special Christmas
For me
Merry, merry Christmas
Merry, merry Christmas
This Christmas
And this Christmas
Will be a very special Christmas
For me
YeahShake a hand, shake a hand now
Come along, come along everybody
Shake a hand, shake a hand now