May 2, 2008

Hope You're Happy - Lene Marlin

Lene Marlin,近來瘋狂迷上的挪威才女歌手。





真正的快樂,應該由內心發出,不假外求。順便一提,心理學家 Martin Seligman 寫了一本書:Authentic Happiness(中譯【真實的快樂】,遠流出版,洪蘭翻譯),是我讀過這麼多心理書籍中,最棒的一本了。他讓我們了解,「真快樂」與「假快樂」區別到底在哪裡。你可以檢視一下,自己追求快樂的方向,是不是弄錯了。


該來收心,好好關注功課了。 祝大家快樂呀!


I can speak about the pain you know
What you say you didn't see
I can show you all my scars you know
The ones I keep inside of me

Would that make it easier
Or would it be the same

Sorry that I could not be
As perfect as you wanted me
Just wondering what's going on in your mind
I sure hope you're fine
I hope your conscience is clear
Hope you're happy

I can tell about the times you know
When I wished to leave this world
I can read to you the letters I wrote
All the words you say you've never heard

Sorry that I could not be
As perfect as you wanted me
Just wondering what's going on in your mind
I sure hope you're fine
I hope your conscience is clear
Hope you're happy