Mar 3, 2008

Ever Changing Times - Aretha Franklin & Michael McDonald

Aretha,Queen of Soul,有「靈魂女王」的封號。
影片效果欠佳,不過,應該還聽得出來Aretha的渾厚歌聲,簡直像隨身攜帶「合聲器」: 一人演唱,好幾人幫她合聲-- 十 ~ 分 ~ 驚 ~ 人 ~
當然,Aretha最經典的歌曲是 Respect,但我個人比較喜歡這首與Michael McDonald的合唱。


哇,今天瘋狂大貼片,快不行了。I'll call it a day.

It's an ever changing time
I see, that clock upon the wall
Well it don't bother me at all
It's an ever changing time

And me, ever changing time
Everything is going so much faster
It seems like I'm
Watching my life, and everything I do
Wonder if the dreams that I believed in
Still come true

Caught in between, it comes back to
You and me running out of time, I gotta find me a better understanding
Everything keeps forgetting whats mine, I gotta find me a way, less-demanding
And we're holding on so tight, together, all of our lives

And I, I had some big idea
So much of my life, still not completed
Hopes and Fears
Watching it change, into something new
Wondering it Im gonna find the answer, loving you

All of my life, it comes back to
You and me running out of time, I gotta find me a better understanding
Everything keeps forgetting whats mine, I gotta find me a way, less-demanding
And we're holding on so tight, together, all of our lives

I see, that clock upon the wall, well it dont bother me at all
It's an ever changing time

All of my life, it comes back to
You and me running out of time, I gotta find me a better understanding
Everything keeps forgetting whats mine, I gotta find me a way, less-demanding
And we're holding on so tight, together
And we're gonna be alright, together, all of our lives

I see, that clock upon the wall, well it dont bother me at all
It's an ever changing time