Mar 21, 2008

What a Wonderful World - Simon & Garfunkel with James Taylor

Paul Simon 與 Art Garfunkel,1960年代最紅的音樂人之一,也為眾多樂評人喻為「史上最佳二人團」(這部分,當然有爭議)。

他們在1965年,以 The Sound of Silence(沉默之聲) 崛起,後來電影「The Graduate」(畢業生)將之收錄為主題曲,更讓他們成為家喻戶曉的人物。他們分分合合多次,也嚐試單飛,成績雖然不錯,但大眾還是最鍾愛二重唱的他們。

今天選的這首「What a Wonderful World」,是 Art Garfunkel 的作品。很可愛的抒情曲。內容是一個情竇初開的中學生,為他暗戀的女生傾訴衷曲,什麼功課都不管啦,只幻想著能跟這女孩兒在一起,就幸福無比;又想像如果自己品學兼優,女孩一定會愛上他...... 好個腦袋快爆炸的小男生!


What a wonderful, wonderful world this would be
What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world

Don't know much about history
Don't know much biology
Don't know much about a science book
Don't know much about the French I took
(But I do know)
But I do know that I love you
And I know that if you love me, too
What a wonderful, wonderful world this would be

Don't know much about geography
Don't know much trigonometry
Don't know much about algebra
I don't know what a slide rule is for
(But I do know)
But I do know "one and one is two"
And if this one could be with you
(A wonderful world)
What a wonderful, wonderful world this would be
What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world

Now I don't claim to be an 'A' student,
But I'm tryin' to be
I think that maybe by bein' an 'A'-student, baby-baby
I could win your love for me

Don't know much about the Middle Ages
Looked at the pictures then I turned the pages
Don't know nothin' 'bout no "Rise and fall"
Don't know nothin' 'bout nothin' at all
(But I do know)
Girl it's you that I've been thinkin' of
And if I could only win your love (oh girl)
What a wonderful, (what a) wonderful world this would be
What a wonderful, wonderful world this would be

What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world
What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world