Mar 22, 2008

I Can't Tell You Why - Eagles

‧擁有美國音樂史上,銷售排行榜第一名的專輯── Eagles: Their Greatest Hits 1971–1975


要我選一個最喜愛的「終極樂團」,我也投 Eagles 一票。


Eagles 來自美國加州的洛杉磯,1970年代出道,直到2007年還推出新專輯。夠老牌,超有活力。
他們的團員來來去去,更迭頻仍,共經過六次改組。1980 他們投下一個震撼彈──居然解散,直教歌迷心碎。在大家焦急催促、引頸期盼下,他們終於在 1994 年復合,造成大轟動,成為當年音樂界的盛事。

這首「I Can't Tell You Why」由較少開口的貝斯手 Timothy B. Schmit 擔綱。Schmit 的招牌特色是一頭飄逸的長髮,溫柔清亮的嗓音,為這首歌增色不少。整曲情意纏綿,動人心弦,是我的 all-time favorites 之一。


Look at us baby, up all night
Tearing our love apart
Aren't we the same two people who live
through years in the dark?
Every time I try to walk away
Something makes me turn around and stay
And I can't tell you why

When we get crazy,
it just ain't to right,
(try to keep you head, little girl)
Girl, I get lonely, too
You don't have to worry
Just hold on tight
(don't get caught in your little world)
'Cause I love you
Nothing's wrong as far as I can see
We make it harder than it has to be
and I can't tell you why
no, baby, I can't tell you why
I can't tell you why
No, no, baby, I can't tell you why
I can't tell you why
I can't tell you why