Mar 14, 2008

Please Call Me, Baby - Tom Waits

Justin 要我貼一首 Tom Waits 的歌。哎,這小伙子是通靈還怎樣,我家有他的專輯耶!
不過,這沙啞到不行的嗓音*,我是在電影「Keeping the Faith」裡第一次見識到。也就是「Please Call Me, Baby」。感覺:驚豔。慵懶、隨性的唱腔,伴隨著即興的爵士風格。剛好是我很喜歡的音樂類型。其中有幾句,聽來甚至有 Billy Joel 的味道,嚇我一跳,以為老喬也來參一咖。(老喬,太大咖,以後一定會來推幾曲)

電影普通,老梗了,但有我喜歡的 Jenna Elfman 演出,而且有幾首很美的歌曲。值回票價。

這首歌,歌詞頂爆笑,但請別要我翻譯...... 我一定狂笑不止,翻不下......

*若對 Tom Waits 有興趣,請參考 Justin的部落格。他的介紹很有趣。

The evening fell just like a star
Left a trail behind
You spit as you slammed out the door
If this is love we're crazy
As we fight like cats and dogs
But I just know there's got to be more

So please call me, baby
Wherever you are
It's too cold to be out walking in the streets
We do crazy things when we're wounded
Everyone's a bit insane
I don't want you catching your death of cold
Out walking in the rain

I admit that I ain't no angel
I admit that I ain't no saint
I'm selfish and I'm cruel, but you're blind
If I exorcise my devils
Well my angels may leave too
When they leave they're so hard to find


We're always at each other's throats
It drives me up the wall
Most of the time I'm just blowing off steam
And I wish to God you'd leave me
And I wish to God you'd stay
Life's so different than it is in your dreams
